Hey, nice article! I'd love to hear about your guide to getting your first management role :D

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Thank you Angelo! Something I'm so passionate about- there are many transferable skills but also pitfalls! It's at the top of my list ☺️

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Great writeup! I especially like your point of not prescribing because the landscape changes so fast, as it's very true. Would love to see your thoughts on the lessons from game UX design for product designers next!

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Thank you Robin-Yann! Luckily that one is what's in progress!

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Totes agree! Very good advice here. One thing I try to emphasize to mentees, or when I approach people to ask about peer mentorship, is that the exchange of value is not unidirectional. Personally, I’m not too fond of the mentorship model of one person Knowing All the Things and the other person being but a humble sponge. I always learn a lot from the people I mentor, and I want them to know that!! I also find that asking people to do peer mentoring can be less intimidating than regular mentoring, because it’s not just like “please do me this massive favor” it can be more like “hey let’s grow together.” And I figure you KNOW all this stuff already!! Great newsletter!!!

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Thanks Sarah! I think that's a very healthy way of looking at it. I also love p2p mentoring/omnidirectional knowledge sharing, but I feel that can also be intimidating for people new to mentoring- it's super valuable a few years in, but it can be somewhat blind leading the blind when you're straight outta school. + haven't developed the professional working relationships mindset etc yet.

Anyway thanks!!!! turns out writing is fun eh 🤷‍♀️

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